Jan. 2000 Person leaving bowl remnants in the office toilet

Feb. 2000 A descent lawyer A true oxymoron

Mar. 2000 Want to marry a multi fathead

Apr. 2000 Sea Lampreys from Saginaw Bay

May. 2000 All adults involved with this fiasco

Jun. 2000 You know why!!

July 2000 Guy that didn't show up to buy my car!

Aug. 2000 Hitch hiked from California Is now our pet |

Sep. 2000 Look at that smile! Almost as big as his head.

Oct. 2000 Senior Court Fathead.

Nov. 2000 Premature Presidential Projections

Dec. 2000 I always knew he couldn't do it alone.
Link to a news article about this is gone. I can't find the article in the archives of the new site http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/ .